Eva Radke Featured on The Many Shades of Green
Eva Radke is “one of my all-time favorite humans in every way you can imagine,” “Max,” Maxine Margo Rubin, Host & Executive Producer began the podcast. “I know you have worked so hard and you’re trying to clean up the film and tv industry that does on and on and on and all around suiter of the planet”
Our CEO modestly said in her interview, “we do what we gotta do because we gotta do it” and we are a community of doers: artists, makers, activists — led by someone who is all of those things.
When the pandemic hit, it reminded us that we’re all in the same world and it all hits us equally.
Max shares, “[The state of the world is] bringing out humanity to some extent because we’re all in this crazy thing together and you and I have done so much in the past and currently we’re trying to get the message about out on how important the planet is and how we all need to be active. Activating people is easier said than done. I’m finding more people getting on board saying we really need to do something.”
Eva has been seeing that we’re not just in a pandemic as a virus, but also a pandemic of helplessness. When you offer opportunities for people to be helpful, it makes them feel better. Helping is addictive. Giving is addictive. When it boils down to it we needed to reassess ourselves and we connected to our planet and aiding our local community with ArtCube Army.
The goal is not just to change the issue in the world, but the culture. What we’ve developed as a culture with ArtCube Nation is that dumpsters are not the answer and our community will make sure of that. We are a community of artists and professionals that feel each other’s pain and help each other out.
Listen to the full interview to learn about ArtCube Nation and how our community found purposefulness during the pandemic or better yet — join our heartfelt, professional social network for the Art Department, ArtCube Nation.
The Many Shades of Green
The Many Shades of Green delves into topics that affect the environment in Brooklyn and beyond, as we move to raise social awareness via culture, politics, the environment and the arts. By empowering the public with knowledge about sustainability and information on what is happening in their own backyards, we aim to inspire people to take action in “greening” their lives, and contribute to keeping the planet healthy for the Seventh Generation to come.
“Max” Maxine Margo Rubin, Host & Executive Producer
Maxine Margo Rubin has been involved with the media business as a content producer and part-time co-host for Air America (Marc Sussman’s Money Message), and hosted and produced Village Green on WDFH, a show which focused on topics of environmental sustainability and progressive social issues.
In addition, she worked to create a pilot for Green World Radio. Maxine is a Brooklyn girl, born and raised on Ocean Parkway, and is an alum of Abraham Lincoln High School and Brooklyn College. She has a master’s degree in Public Policy/Public Administration from New York University (The Wagner School). Maxine is a confirmed “Greeniac,” and serves on the Sustainability Advisory Board in the town of New Castle. She loves all genres of music, and enjoys her wonderful, nutty and creative family, including her pampered and highly cerebral pooch, Sparky 2.0. She is happy to be connected with BBOX Radio, and looks forward to spreading the word about environmental and social issues affecting Brooklyn and beyond.